How to move or change your ‘My Document’ Location


Sometimes when you got ‘My Documents’ folder getting larger and larger by size, you may want to move it to your other physical drive with more room. Or maybe what you want is just to separate your ‘My Document’ folder from your Windows system file. You can do this by following these simple steps: First, go to your ‘My Documents’ properties by right clicking your ‘My Document icon and select properties. Inside the properties menu, select ‘Move’ if you have already had documents in your current ‘My Document’ folder and want to merge it also with other documents in the target hard drive/partition. This action will also change the location of 'My Document' folder. Another option is 'Change'. This is the option if you just want to change the location of 'My Document' folder without moving the files inside current location to the new one. But when you choose this option, if in the future you change your mind about not moving the files in the current location, you can always copy the files manually by go to C:\Documents and Settings\(your account name)\.

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